Sunday, December 12, 2010

Trace and Recover stolen Laptops - Install Antitheft software

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Chances to recover your stolen laptops are zero if you don’t have a tracing or recovery software installed on the mac or windows laptop, however, prevention is better than cure, So here we have an advanced anti-theft laptop software for Windows Gadget Track.
If your laptop is stolen, it will tell you where is it? Who has it? even what is he wearing?
GadgetTrak Windows is the most advanced theft recovery solution available for today's Windows systems. It is designed for the latest laptops, it uses integrated web cameras and wi-fi. When remotely activated the software will capture photos of the thief as well as their specific location every 30 minutes and send it to your email as well as Flickr account. It also use Google Map to pin point the location.

It is simple web based application. For its activation you have to login into your online account and have to click a button to activate tracking. The next time your PC connects to the Internet the software will activate and start sending you emails with the specific location and network environment of the system and photos.

You can buy this from link given : or Click here

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